Food Photography
it’s got to look good enough to eat...
New customers who haven’t tasted your menu need to see your food and instantly want to eat it! Food photography should bring your menu to life! Selecting your dishes to show off your presentation and style whilst making your clients mouths water is key. Food photography wants to show your dishes to their very best, the way your customers would be presented with them. We work with the Chef to understand the angles of the food, the way the client sees them and how they want them to look. Food photography is about identifying a mouth watering dish using light and angles to present it.
Your food photography can be contextual with relevant, in situ restaurant backdrops or it can be simple and concentrate entirely on the dish with no distractions. Whichever way you feel you want to go, we can set up in your restaurant, at a time to suit you and bring all the equipment needed to create your food photography with you!
Choosing where to show your dishes to make the most impact with your food photography is as important as the images themselves. Social Media, external websites such as trip advisor, your own website, printed media and inside your restaurant all play a role.